the hardworking wedding pro who deserves higher income, better clients & more freedom.

Book your calendar full of amazing clients who give you higher income, more freedom & greater respect than ever before.

Successful & thriving wedding businesses don't just happen, they are built, one wedding at a time. There is a step-by-step process that needs to be followed. When you get this process up and running once, it will continuously send you a steady flow of your ideal wedding couples who WON'T ghost you or bat an eye at your prices ever again.


Let's face it, getting a steady flow of amazing wedding clients can be tough!

And today, during these trying times it seems tougher than ever! Knowing how to actually find your dream wedding couples is hard enough, let alone getting their attention! Especially when it seems like there are a million other competitors fighting for that same attention!

and if you're like most of the wedding pros before they join our community...

then you probably feel frustrated, deflated, and maybe wondering if you're EVER going to make your wedding business profitable enough to finally stop stressing about money, take that bucket list vacation or quit your day job, right?

Join Now!

...and please don't make this mistake!

When you don't see the bookings or inquiries you want,  you may start spending more money on wedding networks like Wedding Pro (Knot & Wedding  Wire), signing up for virtual & physical wedding shows, or dropping money on Facebook & Instagram Ads. 

This is both EXPENSIVE & usually causes you to lose more money with little payoff!  

But this is what the SO-CALLED EXPERTS tell us to do! It's like trying to fill a leaky bucket with more water!

You're going to waste a lot of water and never solve the problem!

The truth is...

You need to have a solid process for attracting your ideal wedding couples before you throw money on paid solutions.

And if you can’t figure this out,

then unfortunately you'll run the risk of:

  • Working with couples who nickel, dime, & suck the life out of you!

  • Continuing to deal with wedding couples who ghost you after a quote!

  • Constantly feeling the pressure to lower your prices!

  • Being treated like a hired hand instead of the professional you are!

  • Always feeling the pressure to get more wedding leads!

  • Continue to throw money down the drain !

  • Never get your business to the level you had hoped for!

So, if you're like most who have read this far, you're probably asking...

"How the heck am I supposed to find more of my ideal wedding couples?"

Or you may even be thinking, "Okay, okay, you've made your point. Attracting my ideal wedding clients is vital to my business. Of course, I want more of my dream wedding couples, I mean who doesn't?"

"But I just don't know how to attract them consistently!"

Sound familiar?

We get it! We've been there!

It can feel so daunting and intimidating that you avoid it and just keep yourself busy with tasks and distractions that aren't moving the needle forward. And I get it! I've been there.


Hi, We’re Tami & Lou Santini!

We’re co-owners and founders of Paradise Getaways, an award-winning, multi-six-figure destination wedding agency, and authors of the 20K System & Toolkit, the premier coaching program that empowers wedding & travel pros to build a thriving & successful destination wedding business!

We have achieved a lot of success & awards in our wedding business, but it wasn’t always this way.

We struggled to get ideal wedding clients too!

Back in the early days of our business, it was a struggle to make our wedding business profitable. We sputtered along working with clients who nickel & dimed us, ghosted us, and sucked the life out of us! There were days we wondered if it was even worth it!

But we never gave up... And finally discovered a proven method to get those quality weddings over and over again!

Lou & I never gave up or stopped trying to find new ways to attract our ideal wedding clients. Eventually, through coaching, experimenting, and hard work, Lou & I finally discovered a step-by-step formula that actually attracted our ideal wedding clients to our business! Soon, our inbox was consistently full of quality wedding couples raising their hand to book us for their wedding! And we were able to do this year after year!

Our life & business changed!

As our ideal wedding clients grew, so did our income! Everything changed for us! We were able to pay off debt, help our daughters pay for college in cash,  buy our first dream home, and retire Lou early from his teaching & DJ jobs!

And now, we have a mission to help grow your wedding business!

Lou & I felt the call to step up and design easy to follow coaching programs that would empower wedding pros, just like you, get real strategies that actually work to attract your ideal wedding clients, make more money, and renew your hopes and dreams of having a thriving business & life that you LOVE!

And here's the good news!

You don't need a major overhaul! 

You just need to follow the same simple steps we did to consistently attract your dream wedding couples month after month & year after year!

So imagine for just a moment...

...that you had a step-by-step process for pulling in a continuous flow of your ideal wedding clients year after year!

Imagine if you could follow that process with paint-by-numbers precision and simplicity, even if you don't know where to start or have tried & failed before.

❌ No more guessing!
❌ No more wondering if it will work?
❌ No more wasting time or money!


A simple, yet powerful process that anyone can set up - whether you're just starting out or have been in the game for years?

βœ… Get it up and running once, and let the process do its work!
βœ… That you could create this entire process in as little as 30 days or less
βœ… And you already know once it's done, it's done! You'd never have to do it again!

Wouldn't that be nice?

Well, you don't have to imagine any longer, because - it's here!


The Ultimate Wedding Lead Machine


The simple step-by-step IDEAL wedding client attraction system that will get you found, booked, & profitable YEAR AFTER YEAR!

The Ultimate Wedding Lead Machine is the only program for ALL wedding pros ready to reach & attract their dream wedding clients with a PROVEN blueprint that guarantees you’ll fill your business with only the best wedding couples that light you up while increasing your bottom line!


After building our own multiple six-figure wedding business,

we’ve developed a streamlined & proven process that will allow you to:

  • Naturally attract those higher-quality wedding couples, while simultaneously repelling the budget brides who suck the life out of you!

  • Stop the β€œFeast or Famine” cycle where one month is full throttle, and then nothing for the next 2 to 3 months!

  • Escape the drudgery of attending wedding shows & bridal events just to get some leads that may or may not even pan out!

  • Not always rely on a β€œPreferred Vendor List” for all your quality wedding leads!

  • Turn your wedding clients into raving fans who can't stop referring you to everyone they know!

  • Send your quotes in confidence to couples who hire you without blinking!

  • Never worry about being ghosted again!

  • Get respected as the wedding professional you are!

By the end of this program you will have:


A detailed blueprint on how to discover exactly who your ideal wedding couple is & how to attract them like a magnet!

You’ll get focused on exactly who your ideal wedding couple is, what they want, and how to give it to them. The focus you walk away with after this program will keep your ideal wedding couples flowing into your business for years to come!


Our complete process to grow your ideal wedding leads on autopilot!

Take the guesswork and frustration out of growing your ideal wedding leads once and for all. Our system will show you how easy it is to get your ideal wedding couples to... willingly give you their real contact info!

(Not the crappy ones they give out at the bridal shows!)


Our plug-and-play social media profile templates & examples will get your ideal wedding couples to DM you!

Learn how to revise your bios, profiles, & posts on Pinterest, Instagram & Facebook the right way to attract your future wedding clients, followers, & fans


Our simple-to-follow plan gets your ideal wedding couple to turn their head & give you their full attention!

Just use the easy-to-follow steps to create the perfect plan every time that will get the attention of your ideal wedding couples and turn them into raving fans, and soon-to-be clients!

But above all else…

The Ultimate Wedding Lead Machine will give you the skills, strategy, and resources that will allow you to confidently build a 24/7 wedding client generation system that will fuel your freedom and ability to build a business and a life you love.

To sum it up,

The Ultimate Wedding Lead Machine will transform your business and it’s officially OPEN for enrollment!




Just a small sample of our amazing alumni

“I just wanted to share a recent win. I had 20 people in 24hrs sign up for my lead magnet! Yay! I would also like to point or that they were not friends or family! πŸ˜† I am so happy!"

Heather Pottier

“After following the expert advice of Tami & Lou to stay out in front of my potential clients with good and relevant content, my sales funnel is definitely working for me. My calendar is filling with consultations! It's working!"

Veronica Penna

What's Inside
The Ultimate Wedding Lead Machine

training 1

(Value: $197)

Discover Your Unique Wedding "Superpower"


This is the foundation of your entire ultimate wedding lead machine!

By the time you're done with Training #1, you'll...

➑️ Unleash your unique wedding "superpower" to give you the competitive edge on all the other vendors in your space!

➑️ Get clear on creating your irresistible 'superpower' proposition that sets you apart!

➑️ Have the solid foundation you need to attract any wedding couple at will any time, anywhere! 

training 2

(Value: $197)

 Uncover Your Ultimate Wedding Client!

This is where you’re going to get laser-focused on exactly who your ideal wedding client is & what they want.

At the end of Training #2, you will...

➑️ Know how to discover your ideal wedding couple's pain points and deepest desires for their wedding!

➑️ Figure out where to find your ideal wedding couples and exactly what you need to do to get in front of them without paid ads!

➑️ Get clear on a long-term success strategy that will draw your ideal wedding couples to your business for years to come!

training 3

(Value: $197)

Your Ultimate Wedding Couple Attraction Message!

Once you are clear on your wedding "superpower" and who your Ideal wedding couple is, you're now ready to create a powerful message that attracts only your most loyal, genuinely interested wedding couples!

At the end of Training #3, you'll have a message that...

➑️ Instantly resonates with your most qualified wedding couples who'll be eager to follow, learn, and eventually book you for their wedding!

➑️ Easy-to-follow templates and scripts that will take you step-by-step to know what to say and when to say it, to draw your ideal wedding couples right to your phone, inbox, or door!  

➑️ Will immediately get your ideal wedding couples to know, like, and trust you as the wedding expert you are! 

training 4

(Value: $297)

Your Ultimate Bride Bribe

Now it's time to create a captivating bride bribe, otherwise known as a lead magnet, that is designed to not only capture the attention of your ideal wedding couple but also get them to give you their best name and email!

At end of Training #4, you will have...

➑️ An amazing lead magnet that will solve a key problem for your wedding couples & set you up as the go-to expert!

➑️ Easy to follow bride bribe template to quickly create an irresistible bride bribe that will have your ideal wedding couples lining up outside your digital door to get it!

➑️ Our fill-in-the-blank bride bribe topic formula anyone can learn, that will make attracting your ultimate wedding couple a breeze!

training 5

(Value: $297)

The Ultimate Wedding Couple Attraction Plan!

This module is all about putting everything together that you learned in the first four trainings into an engaging and scroll-stopping content plan.

At the end of Training 5, you will have...

➑️ The secrets to creating compelling, high-interest wedding content that stands out from the crowd!  

➑️ The ultimate guide to easily create wedding content that rises to the top of your dream wedding couples' "must-read" stack!

➑️ The foolproof way to take one wedding topic and turn it into a week's worth of bride-attracting content! 

When you add it all up, that’s a total real-world value of over $2,277!

But because I’m super excited to welcome you into the Ultimate wedding lead machine community, I’m giving you the opportunity to enroll today for just...





The fact that you’re reading this section means you already know that getting more ideal wedding leads & clients, but perhaps you still have a bit of doubt, hesitation, or risk? I get it.

Like, “This sounds too good to be true! How am I supposed to know this is really what I need?"

Well, that’s simple. Try it.

Test-Drive The Ultimate Wedding Lead Machine for 30 Days!

The Ultimate Wedding Lead Machine is 100% risk-free!

When you enroll, you’ll have 30 days to go through EVERYTHING inside the program, and if for whatever reason - and I mean ANY reason- if you don’t feel like this was the best investment you’ve made into building an ideal wedding lead machine for your business, simply email Heather at [email protected]. We’ll gladly refund your entire investment - no questions asked!

So, now, you can invest in this program with confidence and peace of mind knowing there is truly no way to be ripped off or burned because if this truly isn’t what you wanted, then we don’t want unhappy money! So, it’s for that reason, you can join absolutely risk-free because we're putting all the risk on us!

If you think there's a "slight chance" the Ultimate Wedding Lead Machine can work for you, you should enroll today!

And because gift-giving is my love language, I've got more for you!

When you enroll, you'll get 3 ADDITIONAL GIFTS designed to speed up & simplify your ideal wedding lead generation process!

bonus 1

(Value: $197)

Branding Your Brilliance Accelerator

You have heard the famous phrase, "You don't get a second chance to make a great first impression."

As a wedding pro, your brand is your first impression and you only have around 3 seconds to get your ideal wedding couple to decide if they are going to take the next step with you or move on!

The Branding Your Brilliance Accelerator will show you how to:

β˜‘οΈ Make an awesome first impression on every wedding couple & client who lands on your social posts & website!

β˜‘οΈ Attract your ideal wedding couples & clients again, and again, and again!

β˜‘οΈ Demonstrate to your ideal wedding couples & clients that you can do what you say you can do and that they can rely on you to deliver the goods on their wedding day!

bonus 2

(Value: $297)

Social Media Wedding Multiplier

The Social Media Growth Multiplier will show you how to quickly & easily update your Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook profiles that turn them into a wedding lead generator for your business!

The Social Media Wedding Multiplier will give you:

β˜‘οΈ Fill in the blank templates & examples to get your ideal wedding couples to find, like, and follow you!

β˜‘οΈ The formula to attract your ideal wedding couples, stay in front of them forever turning them into wedding clients & raving fans!

β˜‘οΈ A consistent flow of your ideal wedding couples filling your DMs, PMs, and Bride Bribe with their contact information!

β˜‘οΈ And much, much more!

bonus 3

(Value: $297)

The Tech Overwhelm Eliminator

Never get stuck again in tech overwhelm or frustration! So to make sure that you’re 100% confident implementing everything you are going to discover in the Ultimate Wedding Lead Machine, we’ve recorded walkthroughs and tutorials for every single detailed step you’ll be taking throughout your ideal wedding lead generation process.

Tech issues should NEVER be the frustrating bottleneck that stands between you and a smoothly running system that brings dream wedding clients to you on autopilot!

The Tech Overwhelm Eliminator will give you:

β˜‘οΈ Detailed step-by-step walkthroughs for how to find and set up the best email provider for your Ultimate Wedding Lead Machine!

β˜‘οΈ How to get your bride bribe opt-in and opt-in page all set up properly so you can begin to collect names & emails as quickly as possible!

β˜‘οΈ How to build an effective email nurture sequence that keeps your wedding couples engaged & ready to contact you!




Just in case there is anything we missed, here are some Frequently Asked Questions!

If you're ready to attract your dream wedding clients who value your expertise, respect your time, and pay you what you're worth, then don't wait... Join The Ultimate Wedding Lead Machine today!




Don't just take our word for it!

“I just had a wedding consult this weekend and I was hired! Feeling successful!!! Thanks again to Tami & Lou for helping me get focused, narrowing my niche, and putting me on the road to success doing something I love!"

Karen Rose

Enroll in the Ultimate Wedding Lead Machine today!

But choose quickly!

For the inaugural launch of the Ultimate wedding lead machine, we are only offering this crazy low price for a short time, which means you will never be able to get your hands on this valuable information at such a low price. This means, there has never been a better time than right now to get started! 

But if you put this off, what will change? Don't Wait! You can get started today! 

Join now & create the ideal wedding client Attraction System your business deserves!

